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Manor Walking Club

Countryside, hill and mountain walking

A random selection of images to give a flavour of the walks and scenery that we enjoy.

'Fields, Fells and Fellowship'

What we do and how we do it 


You will see from our programme of walks that we are out each week, rain or shine, with a walk which may be an easy ramble or a more energetic hill walk. We have a system of walk grading to enable members to decide which walks they are capable of doing. Our 'A' grade walks are likely to be in the mountains of Snowdonia and an 'A*' will involve a bit of scrambling.


As we are a midweek group, our programme is particularly suitable for part-time workers, home workers, shift workers and retirees. We vary the days on which we walk but anyone in a position to manage their weekday leisure time could join our activities by joining our club. 

Our committee may have to put applicants' names on a waiting list if walking group sizes become too big


When they have built sufficient confidence, our club members take turns to lead walks. New members, however, do not need to concern themselves with this and it should not put off any prospective member from joining. Walk leaders are asked to check out their routes in advance - this is the reconnoitre or 'recce'. Many walks are found through web searches or from books and it is good fun to go out with one or two other club members to do the recce.

Guests and Visitors

Guests of club members and visitors who are trying us out are very welcome. Visitors may join walks for up to three occasions before being asked to join the club if they wish to continue. However, we ask that all guests and visitors attend a walk by arrangement with the programme secretary so that the walk leader can be alerted in advance. In addition, we require that they carry personal identification and next of kin or other emergency contact details with them on the walk. We also ask that they complete a simple proforma prior to the walk (there is an on line version of this), giving name, address and contact details. Finally, guests and visitors should acquaint themselves before the walk with our safety guidance, found on our website here and here and must ensure that they are properly equipped and prepared for the walk they are planning on joining.


There is a social element to our activities, it is not compulsory but it does add to the enjoyment of club membership. For example -

  • After some walks it is not uncommon to stop and enjoy some refreshment in a café or pub if people don't have to rush home.
  • We usually have a Christmas or New Year special walk or event.
  • Each spring in recent years a group has enjoyed three days of walking in the southern Lake District courtesy of a club member who, through membership of The Wayfarers Club, has enabled us to have bunkhouse accommodation.
  • And there is likely to be at least one 'C' or 'D' walk during the year which will finish in time for a late lunch.


We have 'A Safety Code' for our walks. Our Risk Assessments are a generic statement concerning countryside walking plus any unusual features identified on the recce. Therefore we don't flag up wobbly stiles, or uneven or slippery paths. These are all part and parcel of countryside walking. However, a leader might point out, in advance, a swollen stream to cross, scree slopes or exposure to severe drops on an 'A' walk for example. Unusual hazards such as these will be noted and sent out in advance of the walk by the programme secretary.

We have provided a further page of guidance on equipment and safety. This can be found here. All club members are responsible for their own safety, ensuring that they are properly equipped and able to complete the planned walk.


All written communication from the committee to Club members is via e-mail so it is essential that members either have e-mail themselves or have regular assistance from someone who does. Communications could be updates to the programme, late changes to walks, alerts to unusual hazards on forthcoming walks, minutes of meetings and notice of meetings. We also have WhatsApp groups for all the walk grades.


We meet for our walks at one of two rendezvous points, one for walks in Wales and another for  walks in other areas. We then share lifts in cars to the start point for the walk, the aim being to reduce car usage. Another reason for this is that there is often limited parking at the start of the walk. There is a voluntary contribution made to the drivers, according to a sliding scale. We give the drivers this contribution on completion of the walk before the return journey.

Ramblers UK

As a club, we are affiliated to Ramblers UK. However, we are not a Ramblers group and neither are we a public group. Anyone wishing to walk with us will need to join the club or arrange with a committee member to attend and 'try us out' or attend as a registered guest. 'Affiliation' means that we support the charitable aims of the Ramblers, and the club gains some benefits.


The club holds Combined Liability Insurance through 247/Sports Insurance which is part of the Howden UK group, as recommended by Ramblers. This is not personal injury insurance and neither is it insurance for loss or damage to property. These are matters for individual members if they so require.
