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Manor Walking Club

Countryside, hill and mountain walking

New Leaders

One of the strengths of our Club has always been the variety of walks on offer. This is because the majority of members offer to take a turn at leading. However, for obvious reasons, the Club has gradually lost members who are able to lead walks. We therefore need the newer members to help us to offer a full programme.


However, unless a new member comes to us having already experienced leading walks in other groups such as Ramblers, it could seem a daunting prospect. The following notes are designed to help overcome any concerns. In addition our Programme Secretary or any committee member will always be very happy to discuss walk leadership.


1. Walking with our club is an enjoyable experience for all and we don't want anyone to be stressed out at the prospect of leading a walk. We wouldn't expect anyone to take this on until they were entirely comfortable with it.


2. New leaders will never be expected to take it on alone, they will always be teamed up with at least one other more experienced walker. This will be for the recce and for the walk itself so that the new leader is never solely responsible for navigation or decisions on the day. The first walks will therefore be 'team efforts'.


How to get started - and key points to note.


i) Start with an easy walk such as a 'D', preferably in an area that you are already familiar with.

ii) Club members are very happy to do repeat walks. It doesn't matter if your walk has been done before.

iii) Outline your plan to the Programme Secretary so that you can be teamed up with at least one helper.

iv) Do a recce. This enables you to check that the walk falls within our grading guidelines and identify any unusual hazards. (We don't usually flag up all the normal hazards of countryside walking).

v) Check the parking arrangements.

vi) For the walk identify suitable places for a coffee stop and a lunch stop.

vii) For longer walks familiarize yourself with the general area just in case an unexpected change is required on the day.

viii) Electronic tracking devices are very helpful but you should also use a map and have it with you on the day.

ix) Give the details of your walk to the Programme Secretary.